Biosky Photonic Crystal Shield

BIOSKY Photonic Shield Crystals– is an energy-information bio-resonance corrector of physical and energetic well-being of a human. It consists of six photonic crystals in the shape of energy cards:
BIOSKY photonic shield crystals are a complex multi-layer bulk structure made of special metals alloys and dielectric materials.
BIOSKY is a reliable super high frequency(SHF) converter that converts background SHF radiation into large electromagnetic field with the frequency in the range of the biological activity of the water containing structures and circular polarization of right hand rotation, which beneficially affects biological objects and humans. The shapes of the resonant structures and the characteristics of the photonic crystal materials are calculated and formed based on the interaction of the electromagnetic fields with biological objects, water structures and chirality proper to all flesh.
BIOSKY serves to:
- neutralize the impact of unfavorable energy flows (negative torsional fields (Hartman-Wilson nets, Curry nets, geopathic zones, etc.);
- structure the water;
- restore the esthetic body (aura) after negative energy-informational impacts: evil eye, curses etc.
- eliminate blockages in energy-informational structures of human (meridians, chakras, central channels, etc.)
All and any color of BIOSKY Photonic Crystals serves to:
- Protect from EMF and neutralize the impact of negative energy flows and torsional fields like: HartmanWilson nets, Curry nets, geopathic zones, etc.;
- Structure the water;
- Restore the aura after negative energy-informational impacts: evil eye, curses etc.
- Eliminate blockages in energy-informational structures of human (meridians, chakras, central channels, etc.) Practical use of Photonic Crystals There are many practical uses of BioSky Photonic Crystals 1. BIOSKY protects you from electromagnetic frequencies:
- For this purpose BIOSKY photonic crystals should be carried with you constantly. It is recommended to change BioSky location every once in a while and avoid long time use in the heart zone.
- It is recommended to carry BIOSKY in the cell phone case.
- During sleep it is recommended to place the crystal with its flat side to a person at 30-40 cm from the body.
- BIOSKY charges your Water and Food
- BIOSKY photonic crystals significantly improve water properties and structure, eliminate negative information, decrease the redox potential (RP) of the water.
- Water treated by BIOSKY protects the organism from free radicals, restore the immunity, gives organism additional energy, vital force and longevity, also stimulates plants growth.
- Besides water, you can also improve the quality and taste of your food, supplements, drinks, including alcohol.
- BIOSKY balance the energy channels (meridians)
To balance each meridian it is recommended to use two identical BIOSKY photonic crystals corresponding to a needed meridian. 1. Place one crystal under the left foot and the other crystal in the right palm for 5 minutes. 2. Change the position of the crystals by placing the first crystal under the right foot and the second crystal in the left palm for 5 minutes. 3. Put one crystal under the coccyx (Muladhara-sacral chakra), and put the second one in the zone of forehead (Ajna- third eye chakra) or in the neck zone (Vishuddhathroat chakra) for 5 minutes.
It is recommended to repeat the procedure 1 and 2 in the morning and evening and procedure 3 sever times during the day. The numbers of days for therapy are not limited.
BIOSKY for Meridians Balancing In traditional eastern medicine, energy channels are commonly called meridians, through which vital energy circulates between organs and systems. In the human body there are 12 main paired meridians. You need the whole set of BIOSKY photonic crystals to balance all 12 meridians.
The set includes 6 crystals and each crystal regulates 2 paired meridians: BIOSKY RED – ‘Triple Heaters-Pericardium’ meridians; BIOSKY VIOLET – ‘Heart-Small Intestine’ meridians; BIOSKY YELLOW – ‘Stomach-Spleen’ meridians; BIOSKY WHITE – ‘Lungs-Large Intestine’ meridians; BIOSKY BLUE – ‘Kidneys-Urinary Bladder’ meridians; BIOSKY GREEN – ‘Liver-Gall Bladder’ meridians.
BIOSKY set includes 6 crystals: red, violet, yellow, white, blue, green. All 6 are recommended:
- to eliminate energy imbalances;
- to maintain vital forces;
- to resist viral, bacterial and parasitic diseases;
- to support all body systems;
- with autoimmune diseases, immunodeficiency, allergic reactions;
- with mental and psychosomatic disorders;
- with depressive disorders, stress;
- with lack of energy;
- to increased physical, mental and emotional wellbeing;
- for any chronic diseases. Red Photonic Crystal supports ‘Triple Heaters and Pericardium’ meridians:
- coordinates the activity of all internal organs, eliminates energy imbalance between the organs;
- affects the endocrine and nervous systems;
- activates the brain, improves intelligence;
- regulates psycho-emotional activity;
- regulates the emotions of a sexual nature;
- conducts all energies in the body.
Red Photonic Crystal supports ‘Triple Heaters and Pericardium’ meridians:
Coordinates the activity of all internal organs, eliminates energy imbalance between the organs; • affects the endocrine and nervous systems; • activates the brain, improves intelligence; • regulates psycho-emotional activity; • regulates the emotions of a sexual nature; • conducts all energies in the body.
Red Photonic Crystals are recommended:
- in the presence of nervous and endocrine systems diseases; • with deterioration in well-being in the absence of obvious reasons; • with sexual disorders; • with regular headaches; • in case of psycho-emotional states like: tearfulness, emotional outbursts, irritability, moodiness, aggression; • in case if you get tired quickly or feel lack of energy; • for mental development.
Violet Photonic Crystal supports ‘Heart-Small Intestine’ meridians:
- regulates the heart and small intestine; • provides normal regulation of blood circulation in organs and tissues; • regulates higher nervous activity like : consciousness, thinking, emotions; • regulates sweating; • affects the process of digestion and absorption of nutrients, absorbency of food; • due to the regulation of the small intestine, it supports healthy immunity.
Violet Photonic Crystals are recommended:
- with pathologies in the cardiovascular system; • to preserve the ‘vital forces’; • to increase or decrease blood pressure; • with chest pain, palpitations, dizziness, shortness of breath; • with body swellings, in case of fatigue,increased sweating; • with muscle spasms, cramps, tired legs; • with neuropsychiatric diseases; • with pathologies of the small intestine; • with pain in the navel, lower abdomen, nausea, weakness; • with constipation or diarrhea, indigestion; • with viral, bacterial, parasitic lesions; • to improve the functioning of the immune system.
Yellow Photonic Crystal supports ‘Stomach-Spleen’ meridians:
- regulates the work of stomach, pancreas and spleen; • affects the lymphatic system; • affects muscles and adipose tissue; • provides high-quality digestion and nutrients intake; • improves pancreatic function, affects lipid metabolism and insulin production; • affects the endocrine system;
Yellow Photonic Crystals are recommended:
- with diseases in the stomach, spleen and pancreas; • with pain in the epigastric region, nausea, decreased appetite; • with a feeling of full stomach, bloating; • with constipation or diarrhea; • with indigestion; • with diabetes; • with muscle stiffness, spasms and weakness; • with pathologies of the lymphatic system; • to improve the functioning of the immune system.
White Photonic Crystal supports ‘Lungs-L Large Intestine’ meridians:
- regulates the work of the respiratory system and large intestine; • controls the circulation of vital forces and fluids (body juices) in the body, – • controls breathing; • supports nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs; • increases oxygen in the blood; • supports peristalsis of the large intestine.
White Photonic Crystals are recommended:
- with pathologies of the respiratory system; • with various pulmonary diseases; • with chronic or acute processes in the nasopharynx, bronchi, trachea, lungs; • with various pathologies in digestive system; • with gas, spastic pains, intestinal colic or dull aching pains in the digestive tract; • with defecation disorder.
Blue Photonic Crystal supports ‘Kidneys-Urinary Bladder’ meridians:
- regulates both kidneys and adrenal glands, skeletal system, brain and spinal cord function; • affects the processes of consciousness and thinking; • affects the central nervous system and endocrine system; • supports reproductive function, normal course of pregnancy and delivery; • improves sexual function; • helps to reduce the symptoms of menopause; • regulates water and mineral metabolism.
Blue Photonic Crystals are recommended:
- to maintain vital energy; lethargy, fatigue, lack of energy; • with central nervous system pathologies ; • with endocrine, skeletal, urogenital systems pathologies; • to improve memory and brain function; • with kidneys, adrenal glands, brain and spinal cord pathologies; • with chronic processes in the urinary system; • with the formation of stones in the kidneys or bladder, edema; • for men with impotency, chronic prostatitis, prostate adenoma; • for women with gynecological problems; • to maintain sexual energy, fertility and child bearing.
Green Photonic Crystal supports ‘Liver-Gall Bladder’ meridians:
- regulates liver, gall bladder, tendons and ligaments; • regulates blood circulation and distribution in the internal organs; • enhances detoxification function; • affects the nervous system; • improves digestion; • regulates the bile flow.
Green Photonic Crystals are recommended:
- with liver and gall bladder disorders; • with bile flow disturbance; • with mental disturbances; • to strengthen tendons and ligaments;
Common Results
- After 1-2 months of using Bio-Sky Crystals you will increase energy, restore energy field, organs, vital signals, mood, mental, psycho-emotional and physical health.
- Regular use of Bio-Sky Crystals improve body-mind wellbeing, boosts the body self-healing mechanism, protects from negative impacts. Technical characteristics
- BIOSKY Crystals are active from both sides and do not require a power source;
- You can use BioSky Photonic Crystals with device Biomedis Trinity to amplify the effects of frequencies. Preventative measures
- Do not put BIOSKY Photonic Crystal through mechanical influences, immersion in liquids and sudden temperature changes. If you accidently spill liquid on the crystal, wipe it with a dry cloth;
- With careful handling of the crystal the period of use is unlimited.
BIOSKY STICKER is a modification of BIOSKY photonic crystal in shape of sticker.
BIOSKY STICKER is a photonic crystal for biofield harmonization and electromagnetic radiation neutralization.
BIOSKY STICKER can be placed to mobile phones, Wi-Fi routers, TV, PC screens, laptops, tablets and other devices which are sources of electromagnetic radiation.
BIOSKY STICKER works based on the principle of conversion of EMF radiation into right circular rotation frequencies, which are favorable to humans, animals, birds, and plants.
Why do we need BIOSKY STICKER? Using BIOSKY you create a safe space around you. You protect your biofield from unnecessary interferences, harmful electromagnetic radiations and impact positively all live nature. Your body will not be disturbed by EMF and will go in self-restoring mode and homeostasis. . According to our research, the effectiveness of Bio-Resonance devices like Trinity and BioWatch improves significantly in places where there is no electromagnetic radiation. In the space free from electromagnetic smog the body ‘hears’ better the useful frequencies of bio-resonance devices.
Using the BIOSKY stickers at home will increase the effectiveness of Trinity and Bio-Watch to tune your body to the ‘healthy’ frequencies.
What is the difference between BIOSKY STICKERS and BIOSKY PHOTONIC CRYSTAL CARD?
BIOSKY STICKERS are used for sources of electromagnetic radiation. That is why they are made in shape of stickers, which are easily stuck to any surface. It is not intended to be placed on the body.
BIOSKY PHOTONIC SHIELDCRYSTALS are used for body protection and harmonization and need to be used on the body.
BIOSKY STICKER is a multi-layered bulk structure made of special metals alloys and dielectric materials. It is a reliable super high frequency converter which transforms radiation into large biofield with right circular rotation which beneficially affects biological objects and humans. The shapes of the resonant structures and the characteristics of the photonic crystal are calculated and formed based on the interaction of the electromagnetic fields with biological objects, water structures and chirality law.